Before you get your turkey on, here's an early warning for next week's Flying Carpet show at Rififi...It's a stellar lineup with standup, sketch, video, & music:
FREE comedy extravaganza
Tuesday, Nov 27 (9:45pm)
RIFIFI at 332 E. 11th St. btwn 1st and 2nd Ave.
Will Franken (http://www.willfranken.com/)
Named “best alternative to psychedelic drugs” by the SF Bay Guardian!
Reggie Watts (http://www.reggiewatts.com/)
"Amazing and unlike anything you have ever seen. Unless you have seen a comedic stream of conscious operatic beat-boxing marvel. Then it's like that."—Eugene Mirman
Jerk Practice (http://www.jerkpractice.com/)
Sketch goup that hosts "A Show of Hands" at The Creek and the Cave
Julie Klausner (http://julieklausner.com/)
Host of OBSESSED with Julie and Jackie at UCB
Vince Averill (http://www.vinceaverill.com/)
Host of Sunday nights at Beauty Bar
...and hosted by Matt Ruby. Gobble!